We are a research team founded in 2012 with expertise on automation of analytical methods based on the new generations of flow analysis (e.g., Lab-on-a Valve systems) and 3D-printed mesofluidic platforms on-line hyphenated to chromatography or atomic spectrometry for determination of traces of analytes in environmental and biological matrices. Our recent efforts focused on the development of (i) expedient analytical methodology for human exposomics of emerging contaminants in environmental solids, marine settings, and foodstuff by in-vitro automatic physiologically-based extraction for bioaccessibility tests using body fluid surrogates; (ii) bioavailability and speciation studies of trace elements in freshwater systems using electrochemical techniques and miniaturized optical detection; and (iii) novel microextraction approaches exploiting nanotechnology and integration in fluidic platforms.

Dr. Manuel Miró Lladó

PhD in Analytical Chemistry

Full Professor 

Principal Investigator

Research outcomes (Google Scholar)

E-mail: manuel.miro@uib.es


Llucia Garcia Moll

PhD Student

E-mail: lluciagmoll@gmail.com

Carlos Pagan Galbarro

Young researcher

E-mail: carlospagan@gmail.com

Alberto Fuster

Young researcher

 E-mail: alberto.fa@hotmail.es

Miquel Galián 

Master Student

E-mail: miquel.galian1@estudiant.uib.cat

Daniel Krasimirov 

Master student

E-mail: daniel.kardzhanov1@estudiant.uib.cat

Maria Pau Garcia Moll

Young researcher

E-mail: mariapaugmoll@gmail.com

Magdalena Pons

Young researcher

E-mail: magdalenaponsguasp@hotmail.com

Agostina Barta

Young researcher

E-mail:  a.barta@uib.es

Bilal El-Morabit

Master student

E-mail: bilalelmorabit@hotmail.com

Antonio Salinas Fernández

Master student (Santander Award)

E-mail: antonio.uib.94@gmail.com

Camila Fiaux Sukekava

Master student

E-mail: camilasukekava@gmail.com

Julia Ruiz Allica

Bachelor student

E-mail: julrual96@gmail.com

Gaizka Montalbán

Bachelor student

E-mail: gaizkamh@gmail.com

Juan Francisco Rodriguez Fernandez

Bachelor student

E-mail: frankie_fran@hotmail.com

Maria Victoria Rosselló

Bachelor student

E-mail: mvrossello@gmail.com

Marc Roca Jiménez

Bachelor student

E-mail: marcroji@gmail.com


Dr. Alexandra Sixto

University of the Republica

Dr. Stephan Hann

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria

E-mail: stephan.hann@boku.ac.at

Dr. Marcela Segundo

University of Porto, Portugal

E:mail: msegundo@ff.up.pt

Dr. Miloš Dvořák

Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

E-mail: dvorak@iach.cz 

Dr. Spas Kolev

The University of Melbourne, Australia

E-mail: s.kolev@unimelb.edu.au

Dr. José Benito Quintana

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

E-mail: jb.quintana@usc.es

Dr. Burkhard Horstkotte

Charles University, Czech Republic

E-mail: horstkob@faf.cuni.cz

Dr. David Lindo

The American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

E-mail: dlindo@amnh.org

Dr. Paul Worsfold

University of Plymouth, UK

E-mail: P.Worsfold@plymouth.ac.uk

Dr. Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil 

E-mail: zezzi@iqm.unicamp.br

Dr. Błażej Kudłak

Gdansk University of Technology

E-mail: blakudla@pg.edu.pl

Dr. José Luis Capelo 

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 

E-mail:  jlcm@fct.unl.pt

Dr. Nestor Etxebarria

University of the Basque Country, Spain

E-mail: nestor.etxebarria@ehu.eus

Dr. Pakorn Varanusupakul

Chulalongkorn University Phayathai Road, Thailand

E-mail: pakorn.v@chula.ac.th

Dr. Mirek Macka

University of Tasmania,


E-mail: Mirek.Macka@utas.edu.au

Dr. Wolfgang Frenzel

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany 

E-mail: wolfgang.frenzel@tu-berlin.de

Dr. Petr Solich

Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, 

Czech Republic

E-mail: petr.solich@faf.cuni.cz

Dr. Hana Sklenářová

Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, 
Czech Republic

E-mail: Hana.Sklenarova@faf.cuni.cz

Dr. Dietmar Knopp

Technical University of Munich, Germany

E-mail: dietmar.knopp@ws.chemie.tu-muenchen.de

Dr. Elo Hansen

Technical University of Denmark

E-mail: elohh@hansen.mail.dk

Dr. José Luis Todolí

University of Alicante, Spain

E-mail: jose.todoli@ua.es

Dr. Xiaolin Hou 

Technical University of Denmark

E-mail: xiho@risoe.dtu.dk

Dr. Aristidis Anthemidis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

E-mail: anthemid@chem.auth.gr

Dr. Dimosthenis Giokas

University of Ioannina, Greece 

E-mail:  dgiokas@cc.uoi.gr

Dr. Petr Fedotov

Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russia

E-mail: fedotov_ps@mail.ru